In the recent years the medical world in the global arena has advanced a lot thanks to the researches and altruistic activities of researchers and doctors. A large number of medicines have been brought to the forefront meant for healing the deadliest diseases even. The credit goes to the global medical fraternity. But there is a greater disease that is not only exerting sway in several sectors but is also expanding its base by leaps and bounds. It’s Islamic terrorism that is spreading throughout the globe like wild fire from the epicenters in Pakistan and Afghanistan and under the aegis of Taliban and Al-Qa'ida.
How are they operating in spite of the hardened standpoints of United States of America and several other prominent UN members? This is quite difficult to assess and the experienced journalists (especially those who are familiar with the rugged terrain of Afghan land) are finding it hard even.
Whatever it is the nefarious designs of Islamic terrorism are in full swing and its proficiency has again come forward owing to today’s multi-pronged Taliban attack on government buildings in Kabul. According to the latest available information, at least 19 people were killed and 46 injured. The attacks on these buildings took place only at the time when Washington is desperately trying to evolve a new strategy to halt the ongoing violence of decades.
As stated by eyewitnesses, the bulk of assailants were wearing suicide vests, the entire group stormed the building and started firing indiscriminately. Everything happened so suddenly that the security service was flabbergasted and had no other way expect to flee. Employees and security guards were shot as they moved through the buildings. They also launched a ferocious attack on the justice ministry and an office for the prisons department close to the presidential palace in the heart of the city. The justice minister, Sarwar Danesh, finding no other way was forced to hide inside his ministry building as gunfire rang out.
This is one of the deadliest attacks in the past few years in the region and the assault on the government building was to defy the administrative presence. Taliban has already stated that attacks had come in response to the treatment of militants in government custody.
It’s time to act now or else in the future Afghanistan may become devoid of governmental buildings.
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