What can be the best definition of red color? Is it simply a color at the end of the color spectrum (next to orange) resembling the color of blood or cherries or tomatoes or rubies? Or is it prominent since it is manifest in the banners of political parties adhering to Leftism or ideology of the political left? How will you rationalize then as red has always found prominent positions in the expression of love through centuries? Whether it is ancient rituals or red hearts on Valentine’s Day or mistletoe at Christmas, red has always attained a central role.
Nevertheless there is one thing in common. In each segment, irrespective of love or politics, there is the presence of a vivacity and zeal and red expresses the combined form of these two traits easily. For this single reason, the red color reigned supreme in the anti-globalization struggle in the recent past (it expresses rebellion too!). Now the question remains why people remain so attached with the color red? There is no other color in the human civilization that has been in the center stage. Well, according to one section of researchers, the color red, due to several factors, has always been tied to carnal passions and romantic love across cultures and millennia.
But even after this we grope in darkness for the basic reason. However, a new research throws fresh light to this endless debate. The researchers including University of Rochester psychologists Prof Andrew Elliot and post-doctoral researcher Daniela Niesta state men get attracted to women and this attraction is stimulated vehemently by the colour red. The duo had gone through five psychological experiments to find out the matter and concluded that the colour red makes men feel more affectionate toward women. But the entire development remains unnoticed by men since they are hardly aware.
According to the researchers, men’s response to red more likely springs from deeper biological roots since female baboons and chimpanzees blush evidently when approaching ovulation and this is an obvious signal designed to attract males.
One thing is clear. Red colour exerts a drastic influence only on men and not the other one.
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