We have been hearing Mr. Pranab Mukherjee, the Minister for External Affairs, India and his wise sermons on terrorism and the role of Pakistan in wake of 26/11 carnage in Mumbai. But now it’s the turn of the Defence Minister AK Antony who refuses to lag behind and has joined the bandwagon therefore. Do you have any idea of this bandwagon? It’s to castigate Pakistan and its nefarious designs but not to launch any direct attack or crush the terrorist camps within that country or else that may destabilize the international pace. India, after all, is famous for clemency and as the active proponent of global peace!
Well, the Indian Defence Minister was speaking in the 11th Asian Security Conference at the Institute of Defence Studies and Analyses (IDSA) in New Delhi where he reiterated the fact that Pakistan was playing with fire and therefore termed the rogue state (Pakistan) as the "epicentre" of global terrorism and urged it to act with "sincerity and decisiveness" against the perpetrators of the Mumbai carnage.
According to Mr. Antony, there had been lots of confidence building measures (?) in the last few years but all were destroyed by the "dastardly" Mumbai attack. He said, “That major attacks of large magnitude can be planned and executed by elements in Pakistan totally undermines the solemn commitments to us made by its leadership that territory in its control would not be permitted to be used for terrorism." Is India repenting owing to that?
For that reason, according to the Minister, the responsibility to nip the evil designs of terrorism and spate of terrorist attacks in the Indian soil in the bud was on Pakistan. He said, "It is in the interest of this region and the rest of the world that such perpetrators of wanton violence are brought to justice and the infrastructure of terror is eliminated."
One thing is clear from all these that India lacks the moral fiber to attack Pakistan even if it gets evidences that the rogue state is planning to nuke. The problem is not with any specific minister or this UPA government. On the contrary, the problem lies in the conventional Indian mindset which through centuries has been following the ‘fortress mentality’. This not only makes the nationality futile but the country an ideal buffoon also. There are numerous examples regarding this and we needn’t get into those currently.
One thing is clear. India will go on talking and she can do only this. Can India ever implement the Israeli policy? Are you dreaming?
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