Terrorism and Islamic fundamentalism are inseparably related and according to many, these are cancerous growths in a nation which can be one of the best places in the world provided that precise steps are taken. However this standpoint also brings to the fore lots of questions. Can this be ever considered as a true appraisal? There are several experts regarding evolution of politics in South Asia and Pakistan and they consider that terrorism in Pakistan, thanks to the clandestine support of the Pakistani leadership (under the aegis of Punjab), has become a national curriculum and also the greatest employer.
Where do the funds originate from? There is no answer to this cryptic question since the majority of Pakistanis remain ignorant of this. However, the terrorist camps scattered throughout the nation go on in full swing. Are you interested to know something of the benefactor and the basis of terrorist groups? It can certainly be said (without any external help) that the Rawalpindi based Pakistani Army and ISI are interwoven and their combined effort is a key factor in expanding the nefarious designs of Pakistani terrorism in other countries. The terrorist groups collect their ardent cadres or valiant Jihadis from vast numbers of semi-literate madrassa educated masses.
There are several discrepancies also. It has often been found that Pakistani establishment in the wake of gruesome terror attacks in any country adopt stern measures and close these domestic groups at the earliest. Nevertheless, after some days these groups resurface and with renewed vigor. Studies have shown that the terrorist groups at these times become able to get more cadres than ever before. What do happen in reality? The operations of Government of Pakistan are mere eyewash. During these periods both the groups’ names and characters change or they hide behind the façade of a charitable NGO.
This has become quite common in these years and it seems this will remain incessantly unless they are stopped forcefully. What should be done therefore? This is not the time for the international community to abide by hands off policy but to get active. Pakistan has to be dismembered and only this policy can throttle the root of terrorism. Secessionist movements in Pakistan for Balawaristan, Sindhudesh, Pashtunistan, Waziristan and Balochistan must be supported for disintegrating it.
There is no other way.
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