What is the condition of the Gaza Strip at present? Is it calm and waiting for a truce or armistice? Well, there are, indeed, lots of hopes that the international mediation will reign supreme and will bring the two warring sides, Israel and Hamas, on both sides of the negotiating table. However, this wise idea is still in the stage of conjecture and the fighting continues as it should be. Any common man, if he becomes fortunate to roam in the ravaged city, will come across only brilliant (?) sights of destruction. There is a striking similarity between different parts of the city. Everywhere you can find devastated buildings and some of them used to be highly significant for individual reasons.
Well, this article is not to bring before the international community the subject of destructed buildings once more. It is aware of it but what is more tragic is the futile international condemnation and the sheer helplessness of humankind to put an end to this war that has been targeting the innocent citizens through destroying buildings in the civilian areas. The destruction of buildings is clearly evident from the list of casualties. Till now at least 1135 Palestinians have been killed and 5200 injured due to Israel's offensive, just about half of the dead civilians and more than 330 children. They were certainly not residing in meadows. Were they?
Let us concentrate on the buildings therefore. There are a number of prominent yet destructed buildings. Even the hospitals were not speared and according to the latest information three hospitals and a UN compound were bombarded by Israeli forces recently. Take for instance Al-Quds hospital which is in the city's southwestern Tal Al-Hawa district. There was the presence of at least 500 people in the hospital when it was bombed by Israeli jets and set ablaze.
This is just a simple fact while the more horrendous ones may moisten your eyes. The shelling in the UN headquarters has earned an international outcry and even has compelled the UN secretary general Ban Ki-moon to react verbally. Has there been any Israeli reaction? According to the crusader for humanity Ban (?) Ehud Barak, the Israeli defence minister, had apologized and termed the incident as a "grave mistake".
Can there be any positive outcome of this? Perhaps not! The war will continue till it knocks down all buildings in the vicinity. We are sure of it at least!
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