Let me begin with a very short narrative. During the last October, two persons, completely unknown to each other prior to the summit, had a chance meeting in New Delhi, national capital of India, thanks to a human rights conference on refugee problems across the globe. While one Kartik Banerjee came all the way from Calcutta, the other one Manish Kaul has roots in the Kashmir valley. There was nothing common between the two, hailing from two different cultures except two. Both of them were Hindus and victims of Islamic persecutions. Mr. Banerjee is a Bengali Hindu driven out from current Bangladesh, representing a community waiting for justice for the last 63 years, Mr. Kaul is a Kashmiri Hindu in quest of justice for last 20 years. Both of them still shiver due to their horrific experiences; Mr. Banerjee can’t forget incidents that reduced his community from 29% in 1948 to less than 10% currently, Mr. Kaul still has memories of 19 th January, when Kashmiri Hindus were shown the door (for eternity?).
What is most unfortunate, even after 20 years most of India is unaware of the horrific developments that led to the expulsion and of the day when all hell broke loose in the valley of Kashmir on the peaceful, patriotic community of Kashmiri Hindus. What is their condition at present? The whole community has been left in lurch but still hopes that one day it shall return to the native land.
Well, they have received lots of assurances in the meantime both by the Union governments and self-claimed custodians of the Hindu society. But if one has to comprehend the staggering reality, he must visit Kashmiri Hindu refugee camps in Mishriwala, Jammu. They are languishing in refugee camps, don’t know how long they will be there and many youngsters have not only become frustrated and lost hopes but are found to fume also at the uncanny antipathy of the Indian governments, irrespective of party ideologies.
Now the question remains can there be any comeback. If we take into account Indian government’s dealing with Bengali Hindus, the answer is no. It can’t be since the Indian psyche, thanks to slavery of Hindus throughout the last millennium, can’t get pro-active ever. Whom should Kashmiri Hindus go for justice then? Should they go for UN or Amnesty International? It’s not known whether these premier human rights organizations are even aware of plights of these hapless people. Truly speaking, I don’t know.
But surely you can’t ask of the same to the community that gave birth to Fatah, Hamas, Hezbollah or even Black September, responsible for the Munich massacre, when members of the Israeli Olympic team were taken hostage and finally murdered. What do these make us conclude? Islam is not a religion but a political doctrine that thrives through rapid expansions to the detriment of Kafirs or infidels.
There is another question. What ails the Sangh or self-claimed custodians of Hindus? Are they mere paper tigers? If the developments are analyzed, they will definitely prove to be worse than that. Do you recall Maulana Masood Azhar still? The dreaded Pakistani terrorist was freed by the Indian government in exchange of passengers on the hijacked Indian Airlines Flight 814 (IC814) that had eventually landed in Kandahar, Afghanistan and the whole program was supervised by BJP’s iron man, known for melting at each and every occasion.
What can India do for Kashmiri Hindus then? There is no answer as India is lost in political squabbles, behaving like a rudderless ship and Kashmiri Hindus have to make their own destiny.
Hence, instead of expecting India to wake up, Kashmiri Hindus must wake up if they still have the desire to exist and flourish.
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