Only a very few countries other than Israel has undergone the war of terror like India of late and all these have made the country, considered by many as the citadel of religious tolerance, pluralism and tranquility, well-experienced. India, after going through a series of terror onslaughts, has concluded that the battle against this spate of violence and jihad can’t be won through retaining its age-old stances (wait, watch and if necessary act) but by blood and iron.
All these have made the Indian government bring forth newer devices to fight against and defeat this venomous standpoint and thanks to it, Indian scientists, at the moment, are engaged in developing an electronic device that will nose out explosives like RDX, known for remaining unnoticed by existing security equipments.
On the word of Indian Institute of Technology (IIT-Mumbai) professor V. Ramgopal Rao, an archetype of the e-device is under development to smell explosives from a distance by a sensor coated with nano materials. It has come to the knowledge that the government has assigned the electrical engineering department of the IIT to develop the high-tech device in association with the High Energy Materials Research Lab of the state-run Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO) at Chandigarh and the Madras Atomic Power Station at Kalpakkam near Chennai.
How can the novel device be used? As stated by the revered professor, so as to augment
security and check use of improvised explosive devices (IED) by terrorists and other criminal elements, the device with nano sensors could be installed at airports, railway stations, bus stands and other vital installations to detect them in solid, liquid or vapor form and seize before they are timed to explode.
What is its uniqueness then? The device with an electronic nose will be able to sniff presence of IED or RDX in any of the three forms in the way trained canines can do. What is more, this 'electronic dog' is a good option in contrast to training dogs, known for making a mess of many things at times.
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