Is smacking good or bad? The question may amaze you a lot since any act of smacking (act of smacking something; a blow delivered with an open hand), these days, is despised and even copious numbers of educational institutions across the globe have already issued diktats against it. But the present issue goes against the same outright and as per the recent revelations of a US professor of psychology smacking children can make them do better at school.
Let’s have a brief yet detailed analysis of the same. The research states without any compunction that any act of smacking kids makes them brainier and in accordance with the research from Marjorie Gunnoe, professor of psychology at Calvin College in the US State of Michigan, children smacked before the age of six perform better at school when they become teenagers. They are also more expected to do charitable work and to want to go to university than their peers.
However, it must be stated that the notion of smacking is not alien to some countries, in particular India, the land of ancient gurukul system, a form of residential school, where sishyas or students used to live and learn all the necessary tasks from the teachers or gurus. Smacking is one of the ways to develop the students there and also to make them best in respective disciplines.
There are, if truth be told, hordes of instances in Indian scriptures that prove how smacking can help students. To come to the point, if we take a look at the lives of several scholars, the efficacy of smacking can be found without a shred of doubt.
It is to be noted that corporal punishment is prohibited in 20 European countries including Spain and Germany; in Britain “reasonable chastisement” in the home is permitted only if it doesn’t leave a mark – on their body, if not the soul.
Smacking is good and effective for students – we can certainly conclude.
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