Sunday, August 8, 2010

Smokeless cigarette – good and effective for human health

There is hardly any doubt that throughout the contemporary world an ant-smoking drive is going on tooth and nail. Gone are the days when a Marlon Brandon or Gregory Peck or Charlton Heston would bring out a cigarette from his own packet, light it and women would die for that stance. Nowadays the situation is just the opposite and as already said, a worldwide anti-smoking consciousness is proceeding with full vigor. Not only in the leading metropolises but also in hardly known rural centers cigarette smokers are being banned from bars, restaurants. Even on a number of occasions, the smokers are subjected to specialized zones and in these areas only they are allowed to smoke.

Are these good measures to lessen the saga of smoking? Well, lots of reports published of late, have stated the opposite. As per them, human obsession towards smoking is getting higher! What is most remarkable, regardless of great deeds of governments (by means of reducing cigarette-related ads, marketing programs and raising taxes) there is simply no end to smoking. Latest reports are stating that cigarette smoking is on the rise all over the globe. But it is also true that the radical measures to put an end to the saga of smoking (on the part of governments or concerned authorities) are frustrating or treating the smokers cruelly. How can they be dealt with? After all it is not easy to relinquish smoking cigarette or turn away from cigarettes.

There is a way; it is to make use of smokeless cigarette. Don’t get amazed as this is the other name of electronic cigarette. Electronic cigarette or smokeless cigarette does include a nicotine cartridge consisting of liquid nicotine. The minute a smoker draws in, a minuscule battery powered atomizer turns a small quantity of liquid nicotine into vapors. Inhaling of nicotine vapor renders the smoker a nicotine hit in seconds before minutes with gum. There is another important feature as well. At whatever time the smoker inhales, a small LED light on the electronic cigarette shines orange that duplicates a valid cigarette.

As far as the smoker is concerned, the smokeless cigarette does accomplish two foremost aims for his or her. One of these is that the smoker can longer be subjected to the smoking persecution, going on in full might at different parts of the globe. There is hardly any doubt that a smokeless cigarette happens to be a people-friendly device and does generate smoking satisfaction for the smoker while not imposing any kind of harm to others. You may not believe that some past smokers of tobacco-based cigarettes and current votaries of smokeless cigarette have opined in different forums that smokeless cigarette should also be provided in movie halls along with tickets. They consider this as one of the best entertainments unknown hitherto.

Now we come to the next aim; smokeless cigarette plays a strong role in improving the health of the smoker. Smokeless cigarette, in short, does abolish the hazardous tar and carcinogens found in cigarettes and this does diminish risks of heart disease along with that of cancer.

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