How can heart diseases be thwarted? There are, if truth be told, lots of ways across the globe but if you are in quest of success stories only, you shall have to focus on Wilkes-Barre General Hospital situated in the US state of Pennsylvania. Now the question is why should we? Well, the one and only answer is that they have got the success. How? If we take into consideration views of Dr. Mark Bernardi, DO, Medical Director of The Heart and Vascular Institute at Wilkes-Barre General Hospital, the prognosis from the doctors is well and effective and with the passing of each year, the rate of success in increasing by leaps and bounds.
It should be remembered that among the populace in the vicinity of hospital or medical institution the rate of heart dieses were high. The concerned doctors or medical practitioners from Wilkes-Barre General Hospital started educating the people of the perilous causes of heart disease and how to avert the same. In their own words, the public is getting better at making the choices for a heart-healthy lifestyle and for recognizing the risks of heart disease and the symptoms of heart attacks. As stated by Dr. Bernardi, all these endeavors have led to fewer heart attacks each year and what is more striking, the number of survivors have increased even among patients having heart attacks. Isn’t this quite great? There is no doubt in this.
Dr. Bernardi has no qualms in stating public awareness continues to get better to a large extent. Take for instance the views of Alfred S. Casale, Associate Chief Medical Officer, Geisinger Health System, NE, and Director of Cardiothoracic Surgery, Pearsall Heart Hospital, Geisinger Wyoming Valley. As per him, the consciousness has been such even if the concerned prey fails to recognize the attack, one his loved ones become successful to identify the same pernicious development.
Nevertheless, the rate of smoking in the vicinity is still high and this bitter truth continues to perturb the doctors. This, they have stated, is an alarming trend although some successes in stopping smoking in younger persons, in particular females, have been found.
What can we conclude then? Proper education and consciousness helps people to get rid of heart diseases. Do you have any other view? Perhaps not!
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