Can you envisage a day without police or the local or state administration deploying personnel for manning streets? No you can’t and none of us as police and administration is a vital part of the society and its absence may wreak havoc among us. I know that you do feel in the same way even though most of us don’t waste any opportunity to despise these people. There have been other factors also.
For decades, we have been taught that police and administration is an inseparable part of the State structure and hence, it is a tool of repression and comprises morons only. All these have led to skepticism among public and the dearth of essential facilities in conjunction with low pay envelopes have made the jobs less attractive among unwaged youth too.
Why should they join? Perhaps you are not acquainted with the horrific reality. Do you know the ways through which these security personnel have to work? At most occasions they go without basic facilities for boarding and lodging and accommodations are arranged either in municipal schools or local parks or perchance in the barren pavements of the urban markets. The highest echelon of police has the proud record of having the highest disregard to the lowest echelon of police.
This picture is not limited to any particular or a handful of Indian states; the picture is similar, whether it is Naxal-infested Gadchiroli or Lalagarh, Jangalmahal in Bengal, engrossed in dealing with Maoist disturbances.
What is most striking, life of the platoon of 30-odd jawans that works 24/7 to man four bunkers inside the Taj Mahal Hotel, focal point of 26/11 terror attack, is no different. These persons are in huge problems regarding everything ranging from meals, rests to morning ablutions. At the moment the Taj genially provides three meals a day and jawans don’t know when it may cease to exist. For morning ablutions they have to go to police stations or public toilet in close proximity and we prefer to keep quiet regarding the amenities there.
Now let’s crack down on the pay packets of these people, who brave all odds to let civilians have sound sleeps. It is not fit to meet the needs of a college student even.
Do you want to join this elite (you can surely ask Leftists for attaching this tag) force? Think twice.
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