Lots of things can be said of the gradual yet unfortunate (expected?) decline of BJP and SANGH PARIVAR, though I simply despise to write the obituary of this specific school of thought so early. What have been the real causes of its downfall and slow but steady move to the oblivion can be both discussed and debated; but, without a doubt, what has happened and is also going on still is neither coveted nor was a nightmare even a few months back. Well, it seems to be a grim reality and also intricate. What conclusion can be drawn then? We, again, are at a loss!
What can be the destiny of Political Hinduism then? What shall be the next courses of action? It appears that this is the high time to introspect meticulously; we are not in a position to repeat the past mistakes simply. There have been humongous failures at almost all fields, be it social or political or even academic pursuits. Truly speaking, the Hindu movement (as has been perceived hitherto) suffers from an inhuman dearth of noble natures, intelligence and also sharp acumen.
Is it vital to cite a single instance? This is also an impossible task since mistakes have been manifold and have let down the aspirations of a race/DHARMA that was destined and also desirous to write its own political destiny. The saga of vivacity, masculine tendencies, aggression and also assertion that unfurled from the late 80s (through Ram Mandir movement) has lost in the midst of administrative compulsions, avidity to become akin to a suzerain in the corridors of power and also weird endeavors.
Is this is a betrayal of self-claimed custodians of Hindu society? There is, truly, no other way other than to corroborate this stern reality. Definitely Political Hinduism has failed to attain the success that we had thought would happen in no time. There is nothing except a void. Is this permanent? We dare not to think in this way but unless new and radical thoughts spring up, we may have to write the obituary of whole HINDU DHARMA.
What should be done then? How can this squalor and negativism be brushed aside? Try to be radical, steer clear of the perennial fallacies of practiced Political Hinduism and get aggressive. For more than one millennium HINDU DHARMA has remained defensive. Only gospels of multiculturalism in conjunction with non-violence, passivity, self-righteous traits have been preached by the Gurus and the result is too obvious. Hindus have become synonymous with a geographical identity and also emissaries of a defeatist philosophy.
You can opine and also bring forth several standpoints to defy the aforesaid sentences; but the veracity is simply unavoidable.
Hindus have been slaves for more than one millennium and perhaps prefer to go on with the same without any compunction. What do you think then? Well, I am clear to myself. These frivolous tendencies or practiced notions of Political Hinduism must be stopped straight away.
There can’t be any more defense, as our backs have touched the wall. The mantra is crystal clear hence – either we rule or get ruled and get perished once and for all. Hence, what should be done is to fabricate new strategies, lines of action to seize the whole globe. It’s a bloody affair and so Hindus have to be aggressive and have the zeal to stamp all down.
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