It is said that almost each riot (mostly religious) in the Indian subcontinent is hardly related to the concepts of religion but has a deeper affinity with politics only. What’s more, this is a fine way to stimulate people and grab the coveted political power. Is this true? Well there can be long debates over this and pundits may bring to the fore contending standpoints that are competent to bewilder the listeners and readers. Let’s not get into this and concentrate on some related but hard facts. What was the real reason of partition of British India? While the Hindu majority India though going to the hands of “rascals, rogues and freebooters” increasingly continue to rise gradually, Muslim dominated Pakistan and Bangladesh continue to sink at a faster rate.
Who has benefited except the nobility and clergy is unknown yet but he cannot be any ordinary Hindu or Muslim. If you want to be more certain, you can certainly focus on the Ram Janmabhoomi movement that started in the late 80s and reached the climax in early 90s. It is regarded as one of the largest movements in post-independence India hitherto and according to scholars, the movement proved to be enough to bring cohesion among Hindus whose religion is known for diversified culture and believing in gods ranging from panentheism, pantheism, monotheism, polytheism, and atheism with Vishnu and Shiva being the most popular deities.
The basic aim of the movement was to construct a colossal temple in the place of Babri Masjid (a 16th century mosque) which is the birth place of the Hindu God Ram as stated by popular beliefs. What was the result? The 16th century mosque was demolished by right-wing Hindu activists on December 6, 1992 in order to construct a large temple at the site where the mosque stood. However the temple is to be built yet.
Are the concerned leaders serious of this any more? On no account! The pledge to construct the temple has become almost an electoral clause for the self-claimed custodians of Hindu religion since it attracts large crowd still. What ails the parties then? Remember in India, where a secular fabric persists, it is necessary for one to be a devout Hindu but he/she must be secular at the same time to garner minority votes especially of the Muslims. How can one proceed then?
If you ever visit the disputed site at Ayodhya in the central Indian state of Uttar Pradesh, which remains highly politically sensitive ever, you can have the reality. Within a kilometer from the temple site there is a courtyard where 100 pillars are rotting. These stone pillars were carved by hundreds of craftsmen who came from different parts of the country in the tumultuous 1990s.
The commoners, especially of the vicinity, believe these will remain same in the coming years too since Hindus have been fooled by their own leadership which has also affected the virility of Dharma.
Construction of Ram Temple is a plank for Hindu leadership – forever.
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