Saturday, January 3, 2015

Hindu activism no-no in Bengal…………….thus speak Islamists in Usthi

How poor Bengal is in each possible manner, all are united to save its secular credentials and Trinamool Congress and its Left handmaids have resolved to abet Islamic fundamentalists contrarily to save the state from Hindu ascension. Even though such posture has been in full wing for years, it got a new dimension with the savagery inflicted on Sri Pratap Hazra, Hindu youth living in Usthi in the South 24 Paraganas district of Bengal. 

On December 30, 2014, it was around 9 am when Sri Pratap Hazra reached the nearby market within the Usthi police station’s jurisdiction. Once Pratap parked his motorbike alongside the road to the market, two village/green policemen, named Makbul Sheikh and Soharab Sheikh, rushed to him and asked him rudely to relocate the bike. The instruction was enough to both astonish and annoy him and hence, he cited other bikes parked at the same spot. But this claim of his was refuted by a single statement of Makbul Sheikh, “These bikes do not belong to any Hindu activist” while Soharab Sheikh went on abusing Hindus. As soon as Pratap protested, both of them pounced down on him (in broad daylight) and dragged him to the other side of the road forcefully. The Sub-inspector of local police station was informed before long. He appeared there soon and asked both Makbul and Soharab to release Pratap. But this instruction got unheeded and they went on beating him. The torture stopped only when Pratap geared up to save his own life. The self-defence proved to be difficult for Makbul and Soharab to break.

The entire development infuriated local Hindus who resorted to fiery protests and blocking the thoroughfare for almost 3 hours at a stretch. With each moment it passed, the situation worsened making the Officer-in-Charge of Usthi police station get involved. Despite his request to call off, the blockade continued and all these led to the intervention of Mr. Laltu Halder, DSP, Falta and with his assurance of adopting stringent measures against said culprits or two village policemen, the barricade was shelved.

However, the verbal commitment of DSP is yet to materialize. Meanwhile, it has been learnt, Khaliquzzaman, a police officer having utmost infamy for his partisan views, has had a meeting with both Makbul and Soharab and a few Islamists in the vicinity to teach Pratap Hazra a new lesson. What’s more, local Trinamool Congress leadership has termed the incident as a nasty design of BJP to spoil communal harmony in the area and has sprung into action. 

Monday, October 27, 2014

RTI activist dares to take on, bell Ahmed Hasan Imran

What was unimaginable till a few days back is a reality now – a writ petition against complicity of Mr. Ahmed Hasan Imran, ex-SIMI president and also Trinamool Congress MP (Rajyasabha), to the infamous Naliakhali episode has been filed to the Hon’ble Calcutta High Court. Well, there have been several developments (meanwhile) leading to this situation and hence (at this time when Bengal seems to be on the brink of witnessing a novel, violent episode), it’s the time to recall those swiftly but steadily. 

There has been a surge in anti-Hindu riots amidst Bengal of late; the anti-Hindu pogrom (not a riot in any way) on February 19, 2013 in the villages of Naliakhali, along with Herobhanga, Gopalpur and Goladogra under jurisdiction of Canning Police Station in the district of South 24 Paraganas happens to be the worst up till now. While on one hand it revealed how unchecked Jihadis with complicity of local administration can wreak havoc and go on burning down, desecrating and destructing Hindu properties worth millions of rupees (no less than 200 Hindu houses were destroyed) with the sole intention to instill a terror among Hindus and also to change the demographic situation of the area, on the other hand, how truckloads of people were sent from areas of Park Circus, Gardenreach, Metiaburuz in Kolkata with precision to abet the onslaught got bare as well. 

To make an official confirmation of the mayhem (striking abovementioned villages at wee hours) and crippled administration against Jihadis, an eminent RTI activist filed an application under 6 (1) of RTI Act, 2005 on March 22, 2013 to the office of District Magistrate of South 24 Paraganas district. However, the concerned authority was found to be deliberately reluctant to confirm the said mayhem. Following six months of industrious correspondence (at a stretch) and only after the intervention of West Bengal State Information Commission, the state administration confirmed the mayhem. On September 13, 2014, “Ananda Baazar Patrika”, highly renowned Bengali daily, published an intelligence report prepared by DIB, South 24 Paraganas, of the very incident at Naliakhali exposing the role of Mr.  Ahmed Hasan Imran, Trinamool Congress MP (Rajyasabha) and ex-SIMI president and also known for hobnobbing with dreaded Jamaat front in Bangladesh. According to the published report, the entire event had been orchestrated by the same Mr. Imran, intending to change demography in Naliakhali and its neighboring villages. 

The aforementioned RTI activist filed an official complaint against Mr. Ahmed Hasan Imran to the concerned Canning Police Station on September 18, 2014, to the concerned Deputy Superintendent of Police on September 24, 2014 and again to Superintendent of Police on October 20, 2014 but to no avail. The concerned administration, if truth be told, shied from registering an official FIR and also initiating a painstaking investigation against Mr. Imran. 

Finding no other option, the RTI activist named Mr. Tara Shankar Ghosh, was compelled to file a writ petition – No. WT28910 (W) of 2004 to the Hon’ble Calcutta High Court on October 27, 2014. As none has come forth yet to accept the mantle of responsibility to wage a legal battle against Mr. Imran and his precarious role against Hindus in Naliakhali and its three neighboring villages (all witnessing a Hindu majority till date), the patriotic duty is being performed by Mr. Ghosh.

And the Struggle goes on………… will not end whatever may be threats or life-threatening attacks. 

Thursday, August 7, 2014

Fervid Hindu resistance to Islamic aggression in mediaeval Bengal

During centuries-old Islamic rule in India there had also been the emergence of several Hindu empires led by fiercest, ablest Hindu monarchs and generals conveying desires of the subjugated Hindu community to attain freedom. Bengal was no exception to this too; several Hindu chieftains rose up through centuries and prime of them included Raja Pratapaditya and, Raja Sitaram with a few others. But none of them could match Raja Ganesha or Raja Kans or Raja Danujamardanadeva; his stupendous rise in the politics of mediaeval Bengal (in 1415 AD) by overthrowing the Ilyas Shahi dynasty or the first independent Muslim dynasty then fragmented Islamic hegemony in the region and this was based on his vengeful or rancorous activities. His supremacy perturbed Sufi saints or Darbesh such that Sheikh Nur Qutub-ul-Alam, well-known Muslim Chisti saint, sent a letter to Ibrahim Shah Sharqi or the Sultan of Jaunpur to raid Bengal and relieve them from the rule of this Kafir or infidel.

Raja Ganesha’s rule witnessed several ups and downs – his son was converted to Islam under compulsion and then reconverted to Hinduism. Nevertheless, with the help of other Hindu kings he formed a confederacy that posed severest challenges to the dream of establishing an Islamic empire. It is worth mentioning, Raja Ganesha assisted by other Hindu kings controlled entire Bengal even if for a brief period – remaining a dream for others in the following centuries only.

On the word of a British historian, “Raja Kans is the most interesting figure among the kings of Bengal. We feel that this obscure Hindu, who rose to supreme power in Bengal, and who for a time broke the bonds of Islam, must have been a man of vigor and capacity.”

An account of this battle, might of Sheo Singh has been narrated by Mulla Taqyya, courtier during the reign of both Akbar and Jehangir, and it has been translated into English from the original Farsi language by Sri Kishori Mohan Maitra of Asiatic Society.

It is in the following lines.

“When Raja Kans, the Hindu zamindar, became dominant over the whole of the province of Bengal, he determined to wipe out the Muslims, and made it his aim to exterminate the root of Islam from his kingdom. During that time, Sheo Singh, the zamindar of Tirhut, rebelled against his father, Raja Deva Singh, and made an alliance with Raja Kans and thus became an independent ruler of the province of tirhut. He grew in power and through the incitement of Raja Kans, he began to rob and plunder the muslims of his territory and caused most of the missionaries and leaders of Islam in Darbhanga to taste the beverage of martyrdom and thus made his holiness Makhdum Shah Sultan Hussain an object of his injury. At this time, the successor of Makhdum Shah was Alaul Auq at Pandua, when Sultan Ibrahim Sharqi sent an army in the year 805 (Hizira) at the request of Nur Qutubul-Islam, the worthy son of Alaul Huq with a view to wage war against the wicked Kafirs of Bengal in order to suppress Raja Kans. When the royal retinue reached Tirhut, Sheo Singh made a stand against him. Although the Sultan was on his way to Bengal, when heard the news of Sheo Singh reaching the neighborhood of his camps, the flames of Sultan’s anger rose high and with great courage, he turned the range of his attention in his direction. In the end, he (Sheo Singh) found that it was not possible for him to oppose him ((Ibrahim) in open battle. He escaped into some other direction till he reached Lehra, which was the strongest fort there and he took shelter there. After some tine, the fort was conquered and he was taken prisoner. The whole territory of Tirhut was again transferred to his father as a loyal servant of the Sultan. As all the roads, which were being blocked, were open again, the Sultan set out in the direction of Bengal in order to suppress Raja Kans.”

“Sheo Singh along with Raja Kans or Ganesh tried to form a Hindu brigade in Bengal, orchestrate a Hindu uprising to avenge the Hindu persecution. Singh, despite being defeated in the war against Ibrahim, demonstrated great valiance and it seemed once that the Hindu king would emerge victorious. Relations between Sheo Singh and Sultan Ibrahim Sharqi had been sour as Sheo Singh, no matter being a subordinate king, introduced coins in his own name.” (Source: Annual Report of the Archeological Survey of India; 1913-14, pp. 248-49).  

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Islamists targeting elderly citizens viciously in Kolkata

The brutal murder of Deb Kumar Mukherjee, noted scriptwriter related to the Bengali film industry, at his own residence of Elliot Road within the Park Street police station’s jurisdiction in the metropolis of Kolkata just a month back shocked not only the neighborhood but the entire city also. The ghastly murder of a well-known sexagenarian and even within almost half a kilometer of the police station made many celebrities frown at the increasing rate of crimes against elderly citizens in the metropolitan area. The situation worsened for the police in particular; as a result, the concerned department was under a pressure. Now, the same police force can have a sigh of relief; they have taken the two murderers, Abdul Hassan and Niaz Hassan, into custody.  

According to press and media, the aged scriptwriter used to live in the apartment all alone following the death of his wife Bidisha Mukherjee, an actress in Bengali movies, about six months ago. The primary investigation, followed by post mortem examination, revealed presence of a few injury marks, one on his right eye while the other one on his throat. In accordance with his only son Rishi Mukherjee working as software professional and staying in Delhi, Mr. Mukherjee used to lead a private life and such factors prevented police from ruling out the possibility of murder. As the inquiry went on, the investigating team realized that a few persons used to be part of his private life and these included Niaz Hassan. Abdul Hassan, it has been learnt, lives in Mumbai.

On the word of police, Niaz Hassan was almost a regular visitor to Deb Kumar Mukherjee’s residence albeit how both of them got acquainted is yet to be known. Both Niaz Hassan and Abdul Hassan were seen on that very day and this tip helped police immensely. Niaz Hassan, as told by the police investigation team, has always been ambitious and hence, he decided to open a call center with Abdul Hassan, his long-time friend. They were in need of money and hence, tried to have Mr. Mukherjee’s help. Deb Kumar Mukherjee, as believed by both, was affluent and had contacts with business honchos; this would assist them in the long run. But their dream was shattered with Deb Kumar Mukherjee’s refusal. Both of them decided to avenge this denial by murdering him and plundering the entire house.

A detailed plan, to make the dream a reality, was hatched and based on it, Niaz and Abdul entered the Mukherjee residence, murdered the old man, despoiled his belongings and fled to Mumbai. Niaz Hassan was arrested once he returned to Kolkata while Abdul Hassan was arrested from Mumbai. Police, at the moment, is engaged to retrieve the amount of money looted from the residence. The development has blown his relatives as well as neighbors out of the water and certainly his acquaintances in the film industry too. Kolkata has finally reached the culmination when elderly citizens are unsafe in their own residences even. If experts (on condition of anonymity) are believed, the rising spate of Muslim appeasement has spifflicated the society in Bengal on the whole.  Newer forms of crimes are coming forth.

This menace is getting common in other Indian metropolises as well.  Decrepitude in India meets assassins instead of Varanasi. 

Hindu persecution in Bangladesh exhilarates Islamists only

Barely a few incidents of Hindu persecution in Bangladesh are found in the mainstream press and media there while the remnants are inhibited lest its publication tarnishes the nation’s image across the globe. There have been lots of conventions or symposiums yet to earn people’s attention to these horrendous developments in Bangladesh but the scene remains gloomy like the past. And exploiting the absence of a strong protest coupled with adoption of apposite measures to call this menace a halt, Hindus continue to be at the receiving end only.  

The following anecdote manifests dreadful experiences of Hindus in the last two months of 2014 only.

§  On February 23, 2014, in the noon, a few radical Muslims put fire to the residence of Tarilakkha Ray, minority Hindu individual and also freedom fighter in 1971, in the village of Nrisingha within Laxmichap Union the district headquarter of Nilphamari. As a result, two Hindu families were destroyed and now they are paupers. Locals got hold of one man and one woman from the group of assailants and handed over them to police. These two criminals are Jaigun Begum and Aminul Islam. Shahjahan Pasha, Officer-in-Charge of police headquarter said, “We are yet to comprehend the way the crime took place”.  
§  On February 21, 2014, Tapan Barman, minority Hindu leader, was chopped off by Islamists in the area of Baidyer Bazaar Balurmath within the sub-district of Sonargaon in the district of Narayangunj. It has come to knowledge, slain Tapan is the son of Laxman Chandra Barman living in Satbhaipara.
§  On February 16, in the dead night, a group of radical Muslims burnt down the holy deity of Gopinath through kerosene in the minority Hindu temple located at Ghoshpur Union within the Boalmari sub-district in the district of Faridpur. Due to arson, holy deities of gaur, Nitai, Sribas, Jagai and madhai along with the entire temple got ruined. Ruhul Amin, O.C. of Boalmari P.S., has visited the spot. 
§  On March 5, 2013, in the dead night, Muslim militants set fire to houses of a few minority Buddhists located at the Dhemsha Barua area of Lohagara within the sub-district of Satkania in the district of Chittagong. As a result, properties of Subir Barua, Dipak Barua, Anup Barua, Udayan Barua and Ranjit Barua were completely destroyed. Mohammed Khaled Hussain, O.C. of Satkania P.S. has assured to nab culprits soon.
§  On March 2, 2014, Mani Saha (age 17), minor daughter of Sushil Chadra Saha, minority Hindu individual living in Munshipara within Kalihati sub-district in the district of Tangail was abducted by a few armed Islamists. The kidnappers included Mohammed Sohail, Mohammed Hiru (age 22) and Mohammed Jhankar (age 40). A police case was lodged at Sarisha Bari police station (Case No. 1; Dated 01.04.2014 under sections 7/30 of women and persecution act 2002).
§  On March 6, 2014, in the dead of night, Sanjib Chowdhury and Sanchita Chowdhury (his wife), minority Hindu couple living in Kaibalyadham area under Akbar Shah police station’s jurisdiction in the district city of Chittagong, were murdered by a group of Muslim murderers. Rajib Babu was the sub-district inspector of Food Department. A case has been registered in the local police station.  
§  On March 12, 2014, Ishwar Goala (age 45), minority Hindu individual living in Chungabari village within Bodolekha sub-district in the district of Sylhet was killed by a gang of dreaded Islamists. The same group led by Mohammed Salim, notorious criminal, had demanded 5 lakh taka as jiziya tax from Ishawar Goala. When he informed them of his inability to pay such a hefty amount, Ishwar Goala was abducted, fastened to a tree and hacked to death.
§  On March 13, 2014, at night, Ratan Kumar Pramanik, minority Hindu individual inhabiting Ghoshgram within Raninagar sub-district in the district of Naogaon, was murdered before the Kali temple in the village. The murder has led to a reign of terror among Hindus in the village.
§  On March 15, 2014, a group of radical Muslims attacked and ransacked the residence of Subhash Majumdar in his village within the district of Laxmipur. Apart from ransacking the house, women and children in the family were also targeted viciously. And as a result, 6 people including 2 women and 1 child were critically injured. The house was also set to fire; three rooms burnt down as a result.
§  On March 12, 2014, Muslims of adjoining village attacked the village of Jararkul, inhabited by minority Hindu community, within the sub-district of Akkelpur in the district of Jaypurhat. The village was ransacked completely and 10 houses were burnt down turning families inhabiting those into paupers.
§  On March 12, 2014, indra oraon, minority Hindu tribal person, inhabiting the village of nakail within the sub-district of niyamatpur in the village of naogaon, was killed by radical Muslims. He was abducted in the evening and murdered sadistically.
§  On March 20, 2014, Muslims living in the adjoining village of Balikanda assaulted Hindu religious worship (Naam-Yaajna) at Nilgunj crematorium in the district of jessore. The group attacked under the leadership of Mohamed Abu Sayeed and following the destruction of the venerated temple, Hindus were thrashed heavily. 15 Hindus got critically injured, as a result.
§  On March 3, 2014, Mohammd khalil khan, a Muslim criminal, kidnapped Hindu girl student of Class VII and raped her afterwards. This ghastly incident took place at goalanda sub-district town in the district of rajbari. Since the raped child’s father lodged a formal complaint to the local police station, he was beaten cruelly and asked to abandon Bangladesh and move to India fast. Or else, the entire family will be annihilated.
§  On March 9, 2014, Sujan Haldar (age 22), minority Hindu individual living in the village of Kepulia with the sub-district headquarter of Pirozepur district, was murdered by a group of Islamists.
§  On March 9, 2014, a few Muslim criminals fired and killed Sudrishti Chakma, minority Buddhist individual, living in the village of Babuchari within the sub-district of Dighinala in the district of Khagrachari.
§  On March 8, 2014, local Islamists attacked and plundered a “Harinam Yajna” of minority Hindus in the village of Majidpur Das Para within the sub-district of Keshabpur in the district of Jessore. Apart from desecrating and destructing makeshift Holy Deities, Islamists looted money, gold jewelries from Hindu devotees along with utensils used for Puja. After thrashing 36 Hindus, including women and children, cruelly Islamists left the spot.
§  On March 5, 2014, Chaiti Rani, minority Hindu girl student living within the sub-district of Roygunj in the district of Sirajgunj, was abducted by a group of armed Islamists. Even if a formal complaint was lodged at the local police station, she is yet to be recovered.
§  On March 9, 2014, in the evening, Ramesh Chandra Chakraborty, minority Hindu individual living in the village of Roypara Sadardi within the sub-district of Bhanga in the district of Faridpur, was killed by a few Islamists.
§  On March 10, 2014, Paltan Banerjee, Hindu advocate, was thrashed brutally by Bahadur Sheikh, local leader of Awami League, at the Laukathi market in the district of Patuakhali. Nepal Das, a minority Hindu businessman, was also beaten hollow there.
§  On March 21, 2014, a few Muslim criminals, abetted by Haji Rahimullah – elected MP of Awami League, took hold of the property of Chittaranjan Nath, minority Hindu individual living in the Songazi corporation area in the district of Feni. A fake deed was used to achieve success and the property including residence of the Hindu individual is worth 2 acres. Police has arrested 6 persons in this regard.
§  On March 21, 2014, Kyahna Khoaing, minority Hindu individual living in the village of Fasiakhali within the sub-district of Lama in the district of Bandarban, was murdered by a few radical Muslims.
§  On March 22, 2014, Shipan Byapari, a religious minority individual, was murdered by Muslim criminals in the nag residence at Deobhog area within the sub-district of Fatulla in the district of Narayangunj.      
§  On March 25, 2014, Islamists attacked the Durga temple of minority Hindus inhabiting the village of Karpara within the sub-district town of Gopalgunj district. Both the temple and Holy Deity were desecrated, destroyed.
§  On March 26, 2014, Subrta Kundu, minority Hindu doctor living in the area of Srirampur village within Keshabpur sub-district in the district of Jessore was fired shots at and killed by a handful of Muslim assailants. Following the murder, Islamists were heard to chant slogans and expressing joy.
§  On March 25, 2014, a minority Hindu bride was gang raped by a few Islamists in the village of Laxmipur at Morelgunj in the district of Bagerhat. The group was led by Hasibur, local youth leader of reigning Awami League.
§  On March 26, 2014, radical Muslims attacked the Kali Temple of minority Hindu community at Tanand Paschim Para within the sub-district of Tanore in the district of Rajshahi. Six Holy Deities in the temple were also destructed.  
§  On March 30, 2014, Kali Temple of minority Hindus located at Koyra village within the sub-district of Boalmari in the district of Faridpur was attacked by Islamists. The Hindu priest was beaten heavily; two Holy Deities were destroyed while gold ornaments worth 10 Bhari were looted.
§  On March 29, 2014, Arpar Pal, a Hindu girl child of Class II was raped and killed by a few Muslims. The brutal incident took place at Kushtia district town. She was the daughter of Swapan Pal.  
§  On March 5, 2014, a team of armed Muslim robbers raided the residence of Biswas family, a minority Hindu family located at Suktagarh village within the sub-district of Rajpur in the district of Jhalkathi. Islamists defiled and destroyed 5 Holy Deities; looted gold jewelries along with 1 lakh taka. Six members of the family including Sagar Biswas, Manju Biswas were tortured heavily. A portion of the house was also burnt down. 
§  On March 21, 2014, a few Islamists set fire to the public temple of Dasarath Ray belonging to minority Hindus in the sub-district headquarter of Jhalkathi district and burnt it down.
§  On March 21, 2014, a few Islamists attacked the Durga Temple of minority Hindus situated at local landlord’s residence of town Noapara in Filjing UP within Fakirhat sub-district in the district of Bagerhat. The Holy Deity burnt down as a result.
§  On March 1, 2014, Muslim criminals attacked the public Durga Temple of minority Hindus located at Sachar market within Kachua sub-district in the district of Chandpur. Holy Deities of Sribas, Sri Gadadhar, Nityananda and Garur were smashed. O.C. of local police station visited the spot.
§  On march 9, 2014, Mrs. Sovarani Hajra and her husband, a minority Hindu couple, were attacked by Islamists within 150 ft. of Gobindapur police outpost at Rajoir-Kotalipara road in Madaripur district. Apart from money, old jewelries and also a motor cycle, 1 lakh taka was also taken as a ransom.  
§  On March 22, 2014, attempts were made to grab the property of Santibala Basak, a minority Hindu woman, worth more than hundreds of crores of money through a fake document. The incident took place at Paran Oga in the district town of Noagaon. Mohammed Sahin Mian, local leader of Bangladesh national party and also owner of Motel Srishti Company, has threatened her of dire consequences. 
§  On March 26, 2014, a religious meeting of minority Hindus was attacked by members of Jamaat Islam and Chatra Shibir at the village of west ramchandrapur within the sub-district of Palsh Bari in the district of Gaibandha. As a result, 6 Hindus got injured severely and they were admitted to the adjoining Palash Bari health center.
§  On March 31, 2014, Durga Temple of minority Hindus at Sherer Hat area within the sub-district of Gournadi in the district of Barisal was attacked by Islamists. After the temple was ransacked, it was set to fire.
§  On March 30, 2104, two minority Hindu housewives working in Aziz Jute mill were gang raped while they were returning after duty. The ghastly incident took place in the village of Mandrartala within Maniampur sub-district in the district of Jessore and by a gang of Islamists led by Hafizue Rahman from the village of Bijoy Rampur. They were recovered by locals in unconscious state and were admitted to local hospital. Their condition is critical and even if police has registered an official complaint, no culprit has been arrested yet.   
§  On April 1, 2014, at 11 am, a Hindu girl was kidnapped and also gang raped by armed Islamists led by Mohamed Ripon akhtar in the village of Shiron Shau within the sub-district of Chouddagarm in the district of Coomilla. Locals recovered the injured girl and admitted her to the local hospital. The hapless Hindu girl’s father lodged an official complaint to the police station and he was thrashed mercilessly hence and by the same group of Islamists.
§  On March 4, 2014, Islamists forcibly occupied the property worth 24 crores of taka belonging to Dhirendranath Deb, minority Hindu individual, living in no. 7 ward of Kodial municipality in the district of Barisal. The Hindu family has turned into mere paupers.
§  On April 6, 2014, hermitage of Sukdeb Goswami, belonging to minority Hindus, in the village of Mandra within the sub-district of Kotalipara in the district of Gopalgunj, was attacked by a gang of Islamists. A religious festival was being conducted at that time and due to the dastardly attack, 30 Hindu devotees got injured severely.
§  On April 7, 2014, police arrested Abu Taher, Muslim criminal, inhabiting the village of Amria within the sub-district of Khehtralal in the district of Joypur Hat. No less than 20 Holy Deities of Hindus made of touchstone was received by him. As per police, these Deities amount to 60 crores of rupees in the international market.
§  On April 10, 2014, a gang of Islamists gang raped and murdered sm. Lucky Bhadra, minority Hindu housewife living in the village of Karpara within the sub-district headquarter of Gopalgunj district.  While she was returning to the residence with her 8-year old son, the Hindu housewife was kidnapped. Even if the ghastly incident took place within 150 ft. of the police outpost, officials there remained unaware. According to doctors involved in the post mortem examination, rapists, as part of their passion, bit several parts of the Hindu housewife’s body.  Thousands of Hindus burst into protest and as per sources, Mohamed Tipu Mian, Alamin Mian, Ebad Mian and two police personnel of Boultali police camp were involved with the inhuman incident.  
§  On April 13, 2104, Rabi Das, minority Hindu labor working in Laula tea estate within the sub-district of Kulaura in the district of Maulavi Bazaar, was strangulated by a few Islamists. Later on, the corpse was fastened to a tree that terrified local minority people lots. Police recovered the corpse and sent it to post mortem examination.
§  On April 14, 2014, Pratul Moy Chakma, minority Buddhist individual, inhabiting the village of Badhaichari, and Notun Kumar Chakma, minority Buddhist individual, living in the village of Boduili, both within the sub-district of Panchari in the district of Khagrachari, were murdered by Islamists.
§  On April 16, 2014, at 2.30 pm, Sm. Timira Haldar (age 29), minority Hindu housewife and also mother of two children, inhabiting the village of Dighlia within the sub-district of Kotalipara in the district of Gopalgunj, was kidnapped and raped. It has been learnt, while she was returning to her village from her father’s residence, a gang of Islamists, led by Mohammed Kamal Sheikh, kidnapped and gang raped her. When locals noticed desperate cries of children, they came forward and admitted the Hindu housewife to the local hospital.


Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Majority mindset to procure everything

by Abul Momen 

Even if Hindu persecution has been a regular feature in the realm of Bangladesh ever since 1971 as a sequel to anti-Hindu riots in erstwhile East Pakistan, the recent development in both Baghaichari and Khagrachari raises question of the stance and also obligation of majority Muslim community to the minority Hindu community there. Pakistan was based on two-nation theory and owing to its foundation in a highly partisan and frenzied philosophy, it has failed to have support of the minority community thus far.

Mutual distrust and hatred among Hindus and Muslims, after sharing courtyards for almost ten centuries, got all-time high in the year 1946 and both riots of Kolkata and Noakhali intensified this new (then) saga only. Generally, mutual trust and opinion had been more in rural than urban Bengal but the Noakhali episode despoiled it largely. Due to the partition, 11 lakhs of Hindus left East Pakistan in 1947. The majority of them were persecuted, terrified Hindu refugees albeit three-and-half lakh were rural middle class people, two lakhs of them were well-heeled peasants and workers. During partition, 29 percent of the entire population in then East Bengal (now Bangladesh) comprised minority people but it was found to be 25% during the census in 1951. If the following censuses are analyzed minutely, a steady reduction in minority populace will be witnessed and this declination has led to the present situation – minority population in Bangladesh now amounts to 12 %. Earnest researches can discern that millions of minority people have left the country in the last 60 years. Unfortunately, this trend is yet to end; neither the State nor the society is serious to call it a halt. 

A novel notion has come to the fore these days and it is to evaluate riotous situation in Bangladesh with regard to numbers and extent of Hindu-Muslim riots in India. Since India is not a communal country and its jurisprudence has constitutional obligation to retain the Right to Equality, Muslim and other minority groups have opportunities to vie with these catastrophes. Studies proclaim albeit there have been hundreds of Hindu-Muslim riots in the last 60 years in the realm of India, those have not led to expulsion of minority groups – riots in ’47, ’50 and ’64 happen to be exceptions. This can be assessed better if flights from and entrances to Bangladesh are studied. A close eye on societal evolutions in Bangladesh can posit the stronger trend among the two. 

Pakistan was not formed on a two-nation theory only; measures adopted by its successive governments proved to be potent enough to smash minority morale. Nehru-Liaqat Pact signed in 1950 pledged to render Right to Equality to minority population in both countries but it was never abided by Pakistani governments. On the contrary, repressive measures were adopted to expel Hindus from Pakistan. Let’s concentrate on a few examples. Two legislations were passed in the Constituent Assembly of Pakistan in 1951 that virtually imperiled properties of minority community in the whole nation. These are – East Bengal Evacuee Property (Restoration of Possession) Act of 1951 and East Bengal Evacuees (Administration of Immovable Property) Act of 1951.

It must be mentioned, Hindu society, thanks to its cordial relation to the British Empire, overshadowed Muslims in almost every aspect. Hindus, naturally, owned more properties than Muslims. The situation in eastern part of Bengal was no different. Partition and execution of abovementioned statute laws simply scourged Hindus and a section of Muslims pounced down on these preys. A new trend to seize Hindu properties by sheer intimidation or force came to the fore.

One facet has got be cleared now. This phenomenon and its burgeoning influence in Bangladesh has become a cause of concern to me for years. Without a shred of doubt, this menacing concept has become ingrained in Bangladeshi society by now leading to pernicious impacts only and unless this is uprooted, any development or progress in our society will remain a dream only.

Hindus, by the active support of State on the whole, have been reduced to second-grade citizens in Bangladesh. Two more legislations were also passed and enacted later to crush Hindu morale utterly and there was indeed a great success in these regard. These two laws are – East Bengal Prevention of Transfer of Property and Removable Documents and Records of 1951; East Pakistan Disturbed Person (Rehabilitation) Ordinance of 1954. As a result, minority Hindus lost their right to sell off properties independently and governmental permission to do the same became indispensable. With the support of Pakistan (Administration of Evacuee Property) Act XII of 1957 and 1959, military ruler Ayub Khan declared election of six distinguished leaders of minority community as unlawful. (EBDO) Hindus realized once more how the whole of Pakistan was vindictive to them. The venomous and prolonged Enemy Property Act was enacted in Pakistan against Hindus as fallout of temporary war between India and Pakistan in 1965. This single act has been active yet and if truth be told, its sinister effect has razed Hindus to the ground. Following the war in 1964 and enactment of this law, migration of Hindus became all-time high. During the Muktijuddha, Hindus were termed as the sole enemy by the Pakistani government, Pakistani army and its accomplices then. No less than 70 lakhs of Hindus took refuge in India, as a result.

It must also be mentioned, whatever the obstacles and premeditated persecutions were, Hindus were connected to mainstream politics and society in the Pakistani regime. They also had the earnest desire to live in Bangladesh without fear and any sort of terrorism. But now they have become despondent of their future. Not Bangladesh has failed to protect them only, status of Hindus remains unchanged here yet – they are still second-graded citizens like the Pakistani regime. Well, I am ready to term the desecration of holy Hindu deities (just after impendence) as a maneuver by pro-Pakistanis to harass the then newly founded and independent government. But what did the State do? Following 1975, Bangladesh was transformed into another edition of Pakistan; not secularism was erased from the constitution or state religion bill was passed only but Vested Property Act was turned into a more brutal form also. Hindus were persecuted once more following the destruction of Babri Masjid in 1989 and fall of Ershad regime in 1990.

Now, whenever partition and following decades are analyzed it gets apparent – neither Pakistan nor Bangladesh has procured minority communities or kept partisanship at bay. Simultaneously, anxieties rise extremely when attempts to seize Hindu properties become genetic.

There is a specific reason behind penning aforesaid anecdotes – the majority community retains a strong indisposition of rising atrocities against the minority community; it has never tried to find out why are minority people being victimized unreasonably leading to their migration and how each such loss makes Bangladesh wretched.  How can a country develop if a definite section of its populace remains in constant fright and continues to have bruises of partition? Is this possible at all? We have begun to pay prices for this disinclination; politics in Bangladesh has become a mere profession and the best tool to acquire properties of others. And thanks to this steady deterioration, criminalism has got the potency. 

To better the country, new concepts have to be implemented – it is to create Right to Equality throughout the country; a law that will treat every citizen equally. Poor Muslims have also become victims to reprisals in Baghaichari. Now it’s the time to resolve mounting hostility based on Parbattya Chattagram Agreement instead of inciting these hapless Muslims. But before that the sordid account of minority persecution and rising criminalism among a section of majority community has to be discerned.

We have to accept mistakes and rectify those. 

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Kolkata Islamists protesting against insulting Pakistani cricketer!

What the metropolis of Kolkata witnessed today is not anything new these days – people just went on the rampage throughout the town, and the players in this chronicle are much known as well – Islamists, determined ever to make use of any issue and thus, hold the state to ransom. How can the use of a picture, published on Monday in t2, the entertainment supplementary of Kolkata-based English daily The Telegraph, be avoided then? The picture portrayed nude image of a model holding a frame of Lord Vishnu (face replaced with that of Sachin Tendulkar) and a Pakistani cricket player (in green dress with the cricket team’s star insignia ) performing a ‘sajda’ before it.

According to Islamists, such a portrayal happens to be the worst case of defilement of Islam and it can’t be allowed to go on. And what happened next is known to us already.  There was a din throughout Kolkata and outskirts of the metropolis. It has also come to the knowledge that Islamists in different parts of Bengal, especially 24 Paraganas (North) and Howrah, took active part in the saga of preserving faith. However, as expected, Raja Bazar and Park Circus area, traditional of Muslim bastions in Kolkata, proved to be worst affected.

But there is a question as well. What is foremost reason behind this resentment?  While there are enough reasons for Hindus getting infuriated (the prime being doctored image of Lord Vishnu, face being replaced with that of Sachin Tendulkar and holding a cricket bat, a cricket ball, a trophy and a helmet as well), Islamists took the cudgel of responsibility to resent.

Without doubt, Islamists would not express infuriation of Hindus. What irked them then?  Was it the “sajda” before an idol only or the humiliation of a Pakistani cricketer or the trouncing of Pakistan by India in Asia Cup? We are yet to know the answer.

Expectantly Bengal administration is also groping in darkness still of the basis of this untoward development. What do we consider that this is culmination of the three said factors (clubbed meticulously) and thus to flex muscles and comprehend the strength of administration.

Even if The Telegraph has already made an apology in public stating, “A tweet by @iPoonampandey was reproduced in t2 on March 19 because of a technical error. The Telegraph had no intention to hurt the sentiments of any community. We apologise for publishing the tweet,” the issue refuses to end here.

We do believe that each person has the right to comply with his/her religious views and also to protest if it is assailed at any time. But any effort to derail social life for poking fun at demoralized Pakistan cricket team for its defeat to India is anti-national or an act of treason without a shred of doubt.     

Can the Bengal administration be counted on still to express the main factor of resentment in clear terms?